Disposal of old tools and WEEE waste
Please dispose of your old diagnostic interface with care
diagnostic interfaces we sell are tiny by comparison with all the
fridges and washing machines etc being disposed of everyday, but it all
adds up so if you are thinking about buying a new tool and your old one
is still working, why not ask about our trade-in deals, or perhaps
donate it to a local college or school who can use it to help train the next generation
of automotive technicians
If your old diagnostic tool is not working any
more we may be able to repair it for you so please get in touch. If it's
beyond repair, please recycle it by taking it to your local recycling
depot, or if you prefer, you can send it to us for disposal. Please drop
us an email or give us a call first so we can give you a reference
number for your parcel.
Waste Electricals and Batteries
When you see the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol on your electrical product, batteries, or their packaging, it reminds you that all electrical and electronic products and batteries must be recycled through either a recycling centre or with retailers.
Some Local Authorities may offer recycling of small electrical items and batteries, through your regular household collections.
What is WEEE?
The Waste
Electrical or Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive requires countries
to maximise separate collection and environmentally friendly processing
of these items.
In the UK, distributors including on-line retailers like us must
provide a system which allows all customers buying new electrical
equipment the opportunity to recycle their old items free of charge. As a
responsible retailer, our commercial waste is handled by "zero to landfill" company businesswaste.co.uk and we also are also paid
members of the national Distributor Take-back scheme (DTS) run by Valpak who use the money paid by companies like us to help offset the cost of recycling at the national network of WEEE recycling centres
established by local authorities as well as other recycling schemes.
What is the DTS
The DTS (Distributor Takeback Scheme) collects money for every item sold by on-line shops like ours and distributes that money to various other companies and local authorities to help offset the costs of recycling. To read more about the DTS, please click this link https://dts.valpak.co.uk/DTS/info
We have been fully paid up members of the DTS scheme for more than 10 years.
Recycling is free to you
To find more information on WEEE recycling and to locate your nearest recycling centre please visit the RecycleMore website.